安森美(更升)家具公司在过去的10年里,通过其卓越的才能和远大的志向,已发展成为拥有新古典家具生产工厂﹑酒店家具生产工厂﹑办公家具生产工厂和户外家具生产工厂的大型企业。从开发独具新意的产品,测试及优化实际功能到向市场提供真正成熟的系列产品,已使得安森美家具公司长期拥有良好的信誉,并在全球20多个国家的商业贸易中声誉不菲。 如果您还没有找到所期望的产品或是合作伙伴,请您尽管与我们取得联系,并将您有效的联系方式(网站、电话、E-mail和联系人等)发到我们公司的邮箱,我们十分欢迎您的垂询并相信一定能找到解决方案。 注:产品目录里面所展示的只是部分产品,还有产品未能一一列出。想进一步了解我们更多的产品信息,请与我们的工作人员联系。 销售部 E-mail: onsmei@gmail.com (特别提示:请各个货运代理公司、报关公司、广告公司、展览公司、网络建设与推广公司不要来电打扰,谢谢!) ........................................................................................... More than 500 clients throughout the world have been in partnership with Dongguan Onsmei Furniture Co. Ltd. The renowned Bilka, WTB, Coop, EXXONS top our cooperating lists. As a professional manufacturer with ten years experience on furniture, we have been so far developing more than 3000 models for you to choose from, including:· New classical furniture· Hotel furniture· Office furniture· Dining furniture· Top leather sofa · Bar tables and stools· Outdoor furniture· Table base We have three factories covering 100,000 square meters and in the facilities we embark on producing quality products for you. Utilizing drills, spray-paint machines, cutters, jointing machines and other imported and well-performed equipment, our 500 skilled working staff can turn out 60 x 40ft new classical furniture, 80 x 40ft hotel furniture, 50 x 40ft office furniture, 80 x 40ft sofa and 100 x 40ft outdoor furniture per month. Our minimum order, however, starts as few as ten sets. |